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The following items can be found on the OMM Militaria website ,
with full descriptions, photographs and prices.
PE nr 2 Wrapper. Used by the Royal corps of Engineers, but also dropped for the Resistance movements in Europe during ww2. In good condition, rare item, hard to find today.
AC delay fuse, cut away . Sometimes a cut away like this if found. Nice example of an item you can see the mechanism inside. Good quality craftsman work.
Bracket Uzi Dutch made. New old stock. Dutch made bracket , to store the Uzi in a Jeep, Truck or Armoured car. It s made of a Steel metal strip, with a rubber pad below, and an elastic rubber band on top. New, is not mounted before.
Bren Canadian oil bottle . It was part of the Contents of the Bren Gun Holdall, and there was also one in the Spare parts wallet. Nice condition, new old stock.
Cardboard tube Nr 77 Smoke WP container. These tube,s were used to store 4 British Nr -77 Smoke- White Phosporus granades. Tube is in Mint condition. Dated 5-1944. All 4 felt disc,s are inside. Hard to find item.
Colt .45 Combination tool. Rare Colt tool with Screwdriver and pin chaser, for taking down Colt model M-1911 service pistols. Nice, almost new condition. This tool van be seen in the book GI-Collectables.
Container Dets Nr 77 Smoke- White phosphorus granade. In near mint condition. Nr 77 dets container. Dated 1945. 2 of these containers were stored in one of the cardboard tubes inside the metal Nr 77 box. The container stored 17 dets. 2 containers in one tube, 34 in total for 34 granades. The Nr 77 granade was used by the British, Canadian and Australian army s, but also dropped for the resistance movements in Europe.
Crimper Tool SOE and Engineers. Urly type of crimper tool. This type was used before, and urly WW2. Still in a very nice condition overall. Used by the Engineers, and the resistance movements in Europe and the far East.
Fal Wooden Stock Dutch type. In nice, used condition. Dutch stock for the FN Fal rifle. Including the butt plate Dutch type. This rifle was used from the urly sixties until the ninety\'s.
First Aid box Jeep. This box was used on the fenders of the US Jeeps. Not only WW2, but also later. Still in nice condition, lable inside with contents is dated 1954.
Fog Sinal tin Very nice tin to store Fog signals. This type of tin is the second model. 4 items were stored in this tin. Overall in good condition. There is one extra picture from Eric Pierret s book about dropped SOE items.
Granade Projection Adapter M1. This adapter is made for Launching the MK2 Pineapple granade. In good condition.
Kit, First Aid, Motor Vehicle. Good box in nice condition. Empty, no contents. These boxes with this number on top, were made from 1 July 1947 till July 1949. They were mounted in the Jeep, centraly located in a Bracket under the dachboard.
Maxson crank handle for Thombstone drum. All of them are in good condition.
Maxson Horizontal Adjustment handwheel. New in box. Most of the Quad mount turret,s are dammaged during shipping or transport. These handwheel,s are not very solid. So now it can be replaced.
Maxson manual reset circuit breaker. New old stock. About 20 of these on stock
Maxson Quad mount Conduite. Flexible conduite , used as protection for electric cable. New old stock. Weight circa (grams): 300
MG-34 MG-42 Ammunition drum . Also called \'\'Gurttrommel 34/42\'\'. Never used, but little paint dammage on the outside. Inside brand new. Deted 1943. Was designed to hold a 50 rounds belt of ammo.
Nr 75 Hawkins mine Drill detonator tin Drill tin for drill dets Hawkins mine. You wound not see this type of tin often. Most of the label still there.
OSS beano Cardboard Container This container is part of my private collection. It s in a very nice condition. Beano was stored in this container, the fuse in the space below. I have attached a picture from Eric Pierret s book.
OSS fire starter This item is a very hard to find item. It was OSS first item to set a Building or pile of Equipment in fire. The tube was filled with a kind of napalm, but it was cleaned many years ago. There is a kind of match had on top, so you needed a striker board to put it on. Very rare item today. There is one extra picture of eric Pierret,s book.
Quad mont Bracket Control handle This is the bracket where the 2 control handle,s are mounted on. New old stock.
Quad mount \"Pad\" for ammunition tray assy. New old stock. Painted green.
Quad mount End plate sight support group left and right. New old stock. Hard to find endplate. Often dammaged , only a few available. It,s possible to use them left of right. Weight circa (grams): 750
Quad mount upper vertical adjustment handwheel. New old stock.
Quad mount \"body junction box\" \"New old stock. Weight circa (grams): 400
Quad mount \"Cover\" Junction box. New old stock. Painted green.
Quad mount Air Cleaner Elbow. This cast Iron elbow is mounted on the air filter of the Maxson s Generator. New old stock.
Quad mount Differential Drive Adjusment Screw. New old stock.
Quad mount Elevation stop lever boot. New old stock. This lever boot was, to prevens water and dirt would go inside motor and gearbox compartment. Weight circa (grams): 22
Quad mount Firing circuit switch and boot. Brand new, there is alredy a cable connected on the switch. There is also a boot on the lever.
Quad mount Front Charger clamp. M45 - M55. Clamp is new old stock. Used to secure the generator in Place on its position. Weight (grams): 100
Quad mount G 19 Sollonoid, modern type. New in origenal box. including the lever, cable and screws for mounting on the 50 caliber weapon.
Quad Mount Gas filter yoke assy. New old stock. Used to keep the gas filter in place.
Quad mount Gear trunnion including axles. New old stock. Complete set.
Quad mount Handle Jack New old stock. This is the handle what,s always missing when you buy your Maxson project.
Quad mount Lower vertical adjustment handwheel. New old stock
Quad mount M45 M55 Spacer,s. Set of 10 Spacers in one envelope. For adjusting axles in gearbox.
Quad mount M45 - M55 Foot rest. New old stock. Foot rest. This type is bent just a little, made for shrter men.
Quad mount M45 -M55 Maxson Mount Sight. Quad mount M45 -M55 Maxson. Mount Sight. used but in good condition.
Quad Mount M45- M55 Gasket for Gearbox. Gasket is new old stock, new in the envelope.
Quad Mount M45- M55 Clamp assy. New old stock. Clamp assy.
Quad mount M45- M55 Maxson Control handle right Quad mount M45- M55 Maxson Control handle right. Can also be used on left side, by unscrew the switch, and put it on the other side. New old stock.
Quad mount M45- M55 maxson field for electric motor Quad mount M45- M55 maxson field for electric motor New old stock
Quad mount M45- M55 maxson Interrupter switch- plug assy New old stock, Interrupter switch- plug assy. Mint condition for replacement of the Maxson restoration project.
Quad mount M45- M55. Inverter. The inverter is the connector between relais box and conduite. New old stock.
Quad Mount M45-M55 Lower .50 cal Support. Also very hard to find item. Lower .50 caliber support. New old stock, including hardened Bushing.
Quad Mount M45-M55 Pilot Light Box. New. New old stock. In box, the pilot Light Box. With main Firing Switch and lights for indication of motor overheating and Firing circuit in use.
Quad Mount M45-M55 Pilot lightbox Lamp. This lamp and its housing are located in top of the Pilot Light Box. One for firing circuit, and one for Motor overheating. New old stock.
Quad Mount M45-M55 Plate for drive train Cast Iron. Again Hard to find Maxson item . This Cast Iron plate is mounted on top of the Motor and Gear box. On top of this plate, the Shifter and Sector assy are mounted.
Quad Mount M45-M55 Sector assy. New old stock, Sector assy as part of the drive train.
Quad mount M45-M55 Shifter Assy. New old stock. Shifter assy, past of the Maxson drive train.
Quad Mount M45-M55 Thombstone ammo Drum. Ammo Drom for large capacity number of rounds. The Thombstones are used, and need some restauration, and love.. Mechanisme works fine, but the complete drum must be sand blasted and painted.
Quad mount M45-M55 Upper support .50 Cal Right hand. New old stock, hard to find .50 caliber Gun support. Upper Right hand side. Including the hardened bushing.
Quad mount Maxson Field for electric 12 volts motor. New old stock.
Quad mount Maxson generator air filter. New in box. mint condition. Weight circa (grams): 150
Quad mount Securing pin for Yoke. New old stock. Good replacement from the sixtees. Weight circa (grams): 110
Quad mount Shaft gearbox M45 - M55 New old stock.
Quad mount Spare Lamp Can assy. New old stock. It was packed in 1955. But is a perfect item if you need one for your Maxson Quad mount. Including 2 lamps.
Quad mount Toggle Switch. New old stock. Mint condition.
Quad mount Trunnion gear, complete with axles. New old stock. Good working condition. Complete gear box with the axle,s
Quad mount Universal joint for drive shaft. New old stock. Universal joint. To connect the drive shaf to electric motor. Several of these joints in stock.
Quad mount wire assy cable Solonoid. This cable was located on the left and richt 50 caliber support arm,s on the Trunnion,s. there was also a connector connected on.
Quad mount, Maxson Bearing Trunnion. New old stock. Bearing, dated 1958 on the box. Two of these bearings, one on each side of the Trunnion axle.
Quadmount M45- M55 Maxson turret ring gasket - leather - WW2 new old stock Quad mount M45- M55 Maxson turret ring gasket, leather. New old stock.
Sealing Compound US. This putty was used to by thr Corps of Engineers to make connected detonators waterproof, when they were connected to Primacord. It s a coplete filled tin.
SOE Tin with copper tube igniters. This tin contains 6 Copper tube igniters. These were used to crimp on the Black safety fuse. So in the field is was easy to lit the safety fuse. Tin is in mint unused condition. Also a hard to find item today.
SOE - OSS US Nr 10 Time pencil tin. Nice US tin to store 5 time Pencil,s. US made, and used bij OSS and SOE, items weren dropped all over ocupied coutrtry,s in Europe. Good condition, still some remains of the red tape on the tin.
SOE / Engineers Gun cotton primer tube. Very nice example of a Gun Cotton primer tube. No damage on the outside. String is dated, and included. Not much of the tubes are available.
SOE AC-delay tin. This tin is probably produces in ww2, but dated 1950 under the black paint spot. Tin has the original cardboard inside. Overall good condition. Part of the text on top, is removed, as often was done.
SOE and Army Dispencer for dets. Sorry to say, but its only half a dispenser. Broken in 2 many years ago. But still in a very nice condition. Dispenser was made to store 34 of these dets for the Nr 69 Bakelite granade. There is one extra picture from Eric Pierret s book.
SOE and Engineers Tin with copper tube igniters. This tin in still filed with some copper tube igniters. Copper tubes were designed to lite the safety fuse, they had to be crimped with the crimper tool. Tin in good condition. one extra picture is connected from Eric Pierret s book.
SOE box wind-proof matches Original box of wind-proof matches. Still wrapped in cellophane. Nice example of a SOE item. These boxes were unmarked and dropped for the resistance movements all over Europe. (items is sold per 1 wrapped box)
SOE box with 6 Ampoeles. Nice rare box with 6 Ampoele,s for the AC-delay switch. These ampoele,s were part of the complete AC delay set. The AC delay switch was designed for igniting the Limpet mine. In the book from Eric Pierret, some very nice pictures can be seen of a complete set in the original tin.
SOE British Limpet magnet. 6 of these Magnets were attached to the Limpet body. This one is in perfect condition. They have been part of the Type 6 Limpet. The central rubber is still on it s spot. It is connected to the magnet with three strips of bras. Attached is a picture of Eric Pierret s book.
SOE Copie Placing rod Limpet Mine This is a very nice reproduction of the SOE placing rod, Limpet mine. Made from the same materials as the original, and painted black. Also the length is the same. There is one extra picture from Eric Pierrets book.
SOE copper tube igniter very nice tin with 15 Copper tube igniters. Used to lite safety fuse. Used by the Royal corps of Engineers, but alse the resistance during WW2. Very nice condition, looks like new. Dated 1944 Extra picture attached from Eric Pierret s book.
SOE copper tube igniters Set of 3 copper tube igniters. With 2 wrappers Made to ignite safety fuse. These items were packed in little tins, and dropped for the resistance movements in occupied Europe.
SOE crimper tool type 6. This is er very strong havy duty crimper tool. First, to cut the cordtex and safety fuse, and second to crimp a detonator in place. The tool is made of several layers of steel plate.
SOE Detonator Dispencer Rare dispenser for detonators. Dropped for resistance fighters in Europe, but also used by the Engineers. This is the British type. Still in very nice condition.
SOE dispencer These dispencers were used bij the SOE. This one has a little crack in the side. Was digged up many years ago in Holland. But still in a very nice condition. I have 2 available, both in same condition.
SOE escape compass. This type of escape compass, was used by SOE agent,s but also by para troopers. Often they were sewed in clothes. When there was a chance to escape, it could be used. The diameter is 15 mm.
SOE Fog signal tin These tins were made to store 4 fog signals. tin still in good condition after all those years. The red rubber sealing, what kept the inside of the tin vacuum, is still there. Must have in each SOE collection. Attached a picture from Eric Pierret s book.
SOE Fog signal tin. Nice example of a hard to find SOE tin. Specialy made to store 4 fog signals. This is, what I know, the second type tin, the first was a round tin. This tin has a little rust on top. Rest is in nice condition. The original sealing to keep it watertight, is stil there.
SOE Jack Knive- dagger, with tyre slasher. SOE rare piece of equipment. Most times, it was stored in the left sleeve of the Striptease suit. Attached on a piece of parachute cord. Besides the knife blade, it has also a tyre slasher build in. Overall in a nice used condition.
SOE L- delay tin Again a very hard to find SOE tin. L-delay s were distributed in different tins. This one contained the 24 Hours L delay s. Cardboard still inside. 1945 dated, and text still in very nice condition.
SOE Limpet mine placing rod SOE Limpet mine placing rod, new old stock. This one is never used. During ww 2 , these placing rods are dropped for the resistance movements in Europe. Used for placing mines to the hull of a ship. Very rare item to find. I m selling part of my collection. I have connected a picture from Eric Pierret s book.
SOE Limpet Mk 3 magnet Magnet for the Mk 3 Limpet. A few of these are available. All in good working condition. A lot of these Mine s were blown up after the war, but EOD personal took the magnets of. Today very hard to find.
SOE Limpet Mk 3 magnet In very nice condition. Limpets were used during WW2 in alle Country s with waterway s. These magnets are very hard to find today.
SOE Nobel 808 label set These 2 label,s were put together with 20 wrappers of Nobel 808 in a box. One label with info about factory and maker, and one label was put in by the quality department. Nice and rare set. I have placed one picture of Eric Pierret s book.
SOE Nobel 808 label. Label from a 808 Nobel box. There is some damage, but still nice and hard to find item.
SOE placing rod Limpet mine One more very rare item. I have seen this placing rod only one more time over 12 years. Placing rod can hold a Limpet mine, and put it in place against the hull of a ship under waterline. This one is new and never used, and has still the 2 pieces of friction tape holding it together. Overall in very nice condition.
SOE plastic container for dets Little plastic container to store dets or copper tube igniters. Very nice condition. The little felt disc still inside the container. Good item for a SOE or Engineers collection.
SOE plastic container for dets Little plastic dets container in very good condition. Used to store Nr. 27 dets, or some copper tube igniters. These containers were dropped over Occupied Europe during the war, by the SOE, but also used by the royal Corps of Engineers. Felt disc still inside.
SOE plastic container for dets One more Container for dets.
SOE plastic container for dets Nice plastic container for dets. Good condition. These were dropped for the resistance groeps in Europe, but also used by the Engineers.
SOE plastic container for dets Again a nice plastic container for dets. Felt disc still inside. Copper tube igniters were sometimes also stored in these containers. One extra picture is attached from Eric Pierrets book.
SOE primer cardboard sleeve. Gun Cotton pimers were stored in a metal tube. Each primer was put in a cardboard sleeve. Fist to protect them, because these primers were not wrapped with paper like the Primer Field, and second, with the sleeve around, it was easyer to pull them out of the tube with the string attatched. These sleeves are dated \'\'43\'\'
SOE Primer tube Primer tube used by the Engineers, but also dropped by the SOE to support the resistance groups in occupied Europe. Tube was filled with 10 primers, these were used to ignite the plastic explosives , blowing up railway lines or buildings. This type of primer was called, Composition Exploding Primer Field. Label in very nice condition.
SOE Sabotage Pamphlet. A very nice example of the rare Sabotage Pamphlet. This is the second type of SOE Sabotage Booklet. Thickness of the first type was less. Spine is made stronger with a piece of paper, so staples can t been be seen here. This booklet is written in 6 Languages. Each language has its own collor of paper, as you can see on the picture attatched from the book \"\" SOE equipment Air Dropped in Europe 1940-1945\"\" from Anders Thygesen and Michael Sode. Hard to find SOE booklet Today.
SOE safety fuse tin. Nice example of the well known tin to store 48 feet of black powder safety fuse. Tin in nice condition, dated 12-1944. This tin came from a dropping in Norway. Not easy to find. Used by resistance fighters, but these tins were also used by Engineers.
SOE sealing caps. Set of 3. These caps were made for closing the end of the safety fuse, to make sure it was water tight. Were packed in a box of 100. I have placed an extra picture of a half filled tin.
SOE Sealing caps. set of 3. These sealing caps were used to make the safety fuse water proof. A little Vaseline or Sealing compoud was put inside, then the sealing cap was crimped on to the Safetyfuse. New mint condition.
SOE set of clamps for the H-container. Digged up set of clamps for connecting the H container cell,s. The need some sand-blasting and painting, but these items are very rare. In my 30 years of collecting, i have never seen a complete set.
SOE Time pencil tin Tropical pack. This tin is complete different from the commen Smaller Black tin. This gray paited tin holds 10 Nr-10 switches, also known as time pencil. They were each put in a protected sleeve, to prevens Moisture would damage them. There is still some red tape on the tin.
SOE tin with copper tube igniters. Little tin with Copper tube igniters. Made to lite the black safety fuse, used by the Engineers and resistance fighters. 12 pieces inside the tin.
SOE trip wire on metal reel. This reel has probably been inside a melal tin . Found in some years ago in France. Still some wire on the reel. Used bij Resistannce, but also Engineers.
SOE Tube of vaseline This tube was part of the supply\'s that were delivered to the resistance fighters in occupied Europe during WW 2. Tube has a few very little holes in the body. But is a very rare item to find.
SOE tyre burster tin. An original very hard to find Tin in very good condition. All original cardbord still inside. Markings on top also there. Tin could store 6 tyre bursters, and 2 little cups to hold the det,s.
SOE tyre burster tin. This tin is in very nice and used condition. Was made to store 6 tyre bursters. This tin is also a hard to find item.
SOE Tyre buster tin This tin is part of my collection. And I will sell some of my items. This tin was dropped with tubes of abrasive paste in it. But at first , is was made to store 6 Tyre busters. It has been wet on top, so text is gone, and there are a few little holes in the lid. But still a rare tin. Cardboard inside is original.
SOE US time pencil tin. Nice US time pencil tin. Made to store 5 Nr. 10 time pencil,s. Felt fore protection inside, still there. These tins were an exact copy of the British type tins. Today, it,s getting more and more hard to find SOE tins, so happy that I could buye some.
SOE Vaseline tube Very nice SOE vaseline tube. Hard to find item today. This tube has a little hole on top. Tube is empty. In the range of SOE items, very hard to find. It is a bigger tube than the Abrassive paste, who also have a different top.
SOE Wrapper 808 Nobel plastic. This is a nice Example of the 808 Nobel wrapper for plastic explosive. They were packet in a box of 20, and used bij the Corps of Engineers, but also dropped for the resistance movement in ocupied Europe. This one has the red inkt stamp.
SOE/ OSS time pencil tin. Time pencil tin to store 5 red time pencils. It is US made, and in very nice condition. Pieces of the red tape still vivible. Tins were used by the royal corps of Engineers, but also dropped for the resistance in Europe.
Spring clips for \"spare lamp can \" set of 2 in paper bag.
Time pencil tin British Tin to store 5 time pencil,s Overall in good condition. British made also dropped for the resistance groups in occupied Europe. Batch number on the front is still visible
Tin of US Baking powder WW2 Nice US tin of Baking Powder. Made in US, but also used bij the British forces. There are UK markings on the tin.
US Composition C2 Block M4. This little box was used to store the plastic C2 for Engineers and Paratroopers. Made of green cardboard, is already broken in 2, to take the plastic out. Paratroopers used the plastic to fill the Gammon bomb. And the Engineers for all kind of demolition purposes. Hard to find item today.
US fuse lighter tube. A nice Fuse lighter tube. Near mint condition. The tubes stored 10 fuse lighters. The cap on top is also good condition. The tube is still protected with wax against moisture. Underneath the wax, you can see the text \'\'Fuse lighter \"\" The tubes are used bij Engineers but also dropped for resistance in Europe.
Uzi Adapter for firing Blanks. These adapters were used in the Dutch army, for firing blank cartridges. You need to remove the barrel nut, and replace it by the adapter. Only then it was possible to fire blanks.
Uzi magazine pouch. Dutch made. New old stock, made in the sixties. Dutch magazine pouch to store 3 magazines of 25 rounds. Specially made for the Uzi sub machine . Mint condition. more of these available.
Yoke Vertical adjustment Right side. New old stock, including adjustment hand wheel,s.
Yoke Vertical ajustment Left side New old stock, complete with adjustment handwheel,s